Einar Egilsson

First post

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Welcome to einaregilsson.com. I'm setting up this site mostly to keep track of my various small programming projects. I have a few Mozilla extensions, some Greasemonkey scripts, WordPress plugins and one or two .NET projects scattered around the web, so I thought it would be good to gather them all in one place. Many of them are still hosted elsewhere but there will at least be a link to all of them here. I haven't finished putting everything on the projects page yet but it'll be there soon.

I might also write the occasional blog post, however I have my personal blog (in icelandic) over at einaregilsson.com/oldblog/ so this place will only be for tech related stuff. I have a few technical things I've been wanting to write about but wouldn't be of interest to the readers of my personal blog so I´ll post them here when I have the time.

If you read this far you should probably follow me on Twitter or check out my other blog posts. I no longer have comments on this blog, but you can send me an email if you have some comments about this page.