These are the rules that I have always used playing this game. There are many variations possible, so this
might not be exactly how you are used to playing.
The point is to lose all your cards by putting them on the pile, a card that is put on the pile must be equal or higher than the top card of the pile. If you have no card to put on the pile you must take the entire pile.
There are always three cards in your hand, if you have less than three you must draw enough cards from the deck to get three again. After the deck is finished no more cards are drawn.
There are three downwards facing cards and three upwards facing cards on the table. You cannot play them until your hand is finished. You cannot look at a downward facing card before playing it.
Before you start you can exchange cards from your hand with the upwards facing cards on the table.
You can put a two on top of everything, it is the restart card.
You can put a five on top of everything, it is the reverse card, meaning that in the next turn the opponent must put a card equal or lower than five.
You can put a ten on top of everything and it burns the pile, and you get to put out the first card in the new pile.
You can put out more than one card at a time as long as they have the same rank.
If there are four cards with the same rank at the top of the pile then the pile is removed.
If you have no card that you can put on top of the pile then you may draw the top card of the deck and put on the pile, if it is a legal move then you do not have to take the pile.